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Thema: von Europa gefördert: Im Kosovo regiert die Mafia - Ex-Untergeneralsekretär der UNO

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    Standard von Europa gefördert: Im Kosovo regiert die Mafia - Ex-Untergeneralsekretär der UNO

    Irgendwo ist die EU und Berlin mit Steinmeier inzwischen im korrupten Sumpf der Idiotie untergegangen. Weitere UN Berichte sprechen davon, das die Kosovo Politiker nur Verbrecher und Schläger sind. Einzige Deutsche Aussenpolitik ist wie man auch in der Ukraine sieht. Immer mit Kriminellen, Verbrechern, Nationalisten, welche man mit vielen Milliarden finanziert. Deutschland finanziert unverändert die Albaner Mafia und ihre Geldwäsche Projekte im Tourismus.
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    Im Kosovo regiert die Mafia - Ex-Untergeneralsekretär der UNO
    Pino Arlacchi
    © RIA Novosti
    16:55 14/02/2011
    MOSKAU, 14. Februar (RIA Novosti).
    mehr zum Thema

    Im Kosovo ist laut dem ehemaligen UN-Untergeneralsekretär Pino Arlacchi die Drogenmafia an der Macht und die EU will davon nichts merken.

    „Ich habe die Mafia im Kosovo, was im Grunde das selbe wie die Regierung im Kosovo bedeutet, untersucht“, sagte Arlacchi, einst Exekutivdirektor des Internationalen Drogenkontrollprogramms der Vereinten Nationen (UNDCP), am heutigen Montag auf einer Pressekonferenz bei RIA Novosti.

    Die europäischen Staaten, die der kosovarischen Regierung immer wieder Unterstützung zusichern, würden die Augen davor verschließen, „dass dies eben die Mafia-Elite an der Macht ist“, sagte Arlacchi, der mittlerweile im Europäischen Parlament als Abgeordneter sitzt und als einer der führenden Weltexperten in Sachen Drogenmafia gilt.

    Das Kosovo sei „das kriminelle Zentrum Europas“ und die „Drehscheibe für den Heroin-Schmuggel aus Afghanistan“. Obwohl zu der EU-Rechtsstaatlichkeitsmission EULEX, die seit Jahren im Kosovo tätig ist, Staatsanwälte und Ermittler gehörten, gebe es bislang kein Ergebnis. „Wir wollen klären, was die Mission im Kosovo in Sachen Rechtspflege tut“, sagte Arlacchi. [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer]
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    powered by
    Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010
    UN Report: Die Kosovo - UCK - KLA, war immer eine rein kriminelle Organisation
    Wie auch im UN Report fest gestellt wird gab es nie Freiheits Kämpfer, sondern die UCK ist eine rein kriminelle Organisation von Schlägern und Verbrechern, welche ihre Drogen- Waffen- Kinder- und Frauen Handel so tarnten! Das wusste man inklusive der Todesschwadronen um eigene Landsleute umzubringen bereits im September 1998

    Albanian Organized Crime the Biggest Threat
    Bush with Albanian flag
    Albanian Mafia the Single Biggest Threat to Europe

    March 2008 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime which went conveniently unnoticed and uncovered by the western mainstream media, though generally upbeat, bringing the good news of the crime rates dropping in the Balkan region as a whole, and announcing Balkans as "much safer than previously thought", underlines, once again, the growing concern over the flourishing Albanian mafia, which is now, thanks to the Western power centers, ruling over the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija.

    Beyond the fancy charts and maps, behind the joy over the "improving trends", the UN report titled Crime and its Impact on the Balkans [.pdf file], hides a very grim reality of the far-reaching deadly tentacles of Albanian organized crime, exasperated and turned into a malignant disease by the western backing of severing Kosovo-Metohija province from Serbia.
    Albanian Clans Take the Leading Place in Organized Crime

    Excerpt from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report for March 2008

    [pg 61] From the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, Turkish organized crime groups dominated European heroin markets. During the 1990s, however, a new ethnic group began to emerge in heroin trafficking: ethnic Albanians. As noted above, until 1991, the nation of Albania was one of the most isolated in the world. Albanians living in former Yugoslavia [in Serbia, Kosovo-Metohija province], however, moved with great freedom to the east and west, and there are reports of ethnic Albanian involvement in Italian organized crime groups from the mid-1980s.

    ................By 2000, Italian chief prosecutor Cataldo Motta went so far as to assert that "Albanian organized crime has become a point of reference for all criminal activity today. Everything passes via the Albanians."

    [pg 65] Arguably, Albanian heroin dealers are the single most notorious Balkan organized crime phenomenon. For example, a decade ago the Council of Europe noted in its organized crime situation report:

    "While in former years the [heroin] trade [in Austria] was dominated by Turkish organizations, it was noted in 1998 that ethnic Albanians have now taken over... ethnic Albanian criminal organizations managed to build a Europe-wide network and hold monopolies in urban areas. They maintain operational bases in Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and in the Nordic countires..."

    And in its 2005 situation report, the Council of Europe said:

    "Ethnic Albanian criminal groups are reportedly responsible for a large part of the wholesale distribution of heroin in Europe... Ethnic Albanian criminal groups pose a significant threat to the EU because of their involvement in drug trafficking, THB [trafficking in human beings] and money laundering."

    "Ethnic Albanian Criminal Groups" are the only national group discussed in the 2006 Europol [European department of Interpol] publication The Threat from Organized Crime:

    "Ethnic Albanian organized crime groups have established themselves in many European Union Member States and beyond... ethnic Albanian crime groups are found to extend their role from facilitators to achieving full control in certain crime areas. They adapt without difficulties to local or changing situations."
    No "Freedom Fighters", Just Criminals and Thugs

    On the preceding pages, the latest Drugs & Crime UN report offers a rarely accurate analysis of the situation among the ethnic Albanians (both next door to Serbia, in neighboring Albania, and in Serbia itself, mainly in the southern Kosovo province), which led to formation of the Albanian terrorist KLA (UCK) and to the terrorist attacks in Serbia -- an unusually honest glimpse at the root-causes of Albanian insurrection and occupation of part of Serbia, impossible to find in the tons of worthless junk produced daily by the Western mainstream media.

    The following excerpt effectively dismantles the pompous claims of heroic "struggle for freedom and independence" and disingenuous references to the "self-determination" of an ethnic group which has already exercised its right to self-determination with the formation of state of Albania.

    No, it has nothing to do with "freedom", "independence" or "self-determination", it is all about illicit trade, crime without punishment, lawlessness, thuggery and insatiable greed.
    Criminals, Terrorists or Politicians? In Kosovo-Metohija, all Three.

    Excerpt from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report for March 2008

    [pg 52] According to an Interpol statement made before the U.S. Congress in 2000:

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    Geändert von navy (18.10.2014 um 19:07 Uhr)
    Die Selbstverwaltungsstrukturen, die die NATO im Kosovo wachsen ließ, kritisierte eine als „Verschlusssache“ eingestufte Studie des Instituts für Europäische Politik (IEP) 2007 als „fest in der Hand der Organisierten Kriminalität“, die „weitgehende Kontrolle über den Regierungsapparat“

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