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Thema: Nazi oder Resistance - Finde es heraus!

  1. #31

    Standard AW: Nazi oder Resistance - Finde es heraus!

    Hier wird endlich mal das Wort ,,Nazi" im eigentlichen neuen Wortsinn verwendet, wie ich es häufig verwende. Die Fragen sind aber nicht alle ganz hochwertig.

    Mein Ergebnis:


    Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 68% antitolerant, and 52% blindly patriotic
    You probably you lack the charisma and intelligence to be Hitler himself, but then again, who knows? You've got a few of the necessary traits, at least. You are crazy, nationalistic, and more proud of your background than you should be.

    Right now I am breathing a big sigh of relief that you don't live in Germany in the 1930's, although I guess things couldn't have gone any worse than they did, even with your help. Maybe all this energy that you feel right now could be directed to an end less evil? Are you a Police Officer? Not in my town, I hope.

    Sadly, you exceeded expectations on all 3 indicators.

    Deutschland: Uber Alles!

    You scored higher than 61% on brainwashworthy
    You scored higher than 84% on antitolerant
    You scored higher than 61% on patriotic
    Na, da ist rein relativ zutreffendes Ergebnis.



  2. #32
    Freidenker Benutzerbild von tommy3333
    Registriert seit
    Freistaat Thüringen

    Standard AW: Nazi oder Resistance - Finde es heraus!


    The Expatriate

    Achtung! You are 38% brainwashworthy, 18% antitolerant, and 38% blindly patriotic
    Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.

    One bad scenario -- as I hypothetically project you back in time -- is that you just wouldn't have cared one way or the other about Nazism. Maybe politics don't interest you enough. But the fact that you took this test means they probably do. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Did you know that many of the smartest Germans departed prior to the beginning of World War II, because they knew some evil shit was brewing? Brain Drain. Many of them were scientists. It is very possible you could have been one of them.

    Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would not have been a Nazi.

    This test tracked 3 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:

    Higher than 46% on brainwashworthy
    Higher than 13% on antitolerant
    Higher than 55% on patriotic

    Geändert von tommy3333 (01.08.2006 um 19:41 Uhr)
    "Fernsehredakteure haben eine einmalige Begabung: Sie können Spreu von Weizen trennen. Und die Spreu senden sie dann."
    "Wer zensiert, hat Angst vor der Wahrheit."
    Bei ARD und ZDF verblöden Sie in der ersten Reihe.

  3. #33

    Standard AW: Nazi oder Resistance - Finde es heraus!

    Ich habs immer gewusst...

    Der Kommandant
    Achtung! You are 38% brainwashworthy, 45% antitolerant, and 85% blindly patriotic
    Opportunistic, patriotic to a fault, and not so fond of people who aren't just like you, you are like a Nazi General. Back in Germany in the 1940's, you would have been at the top of the asshole list. Not for Nazism, necessarily, but for your own sick, twisted values. Then, out of superior intelligence (relative to other Nazis, that is), you would've climbed to the top.

    Conclusion: you would have been a Nazi, and most likely would have served them well.

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