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Thema: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

  1. #1
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Soshana
    Registriert seit

    Standard PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Die Glorifizierung des Terrors durch die Palaestinenser ist nicht mehr hinnehmbar: X(

    Statement from the PMO on the naming of a Ramallah street after arch-terrorist Yehiye Ayash


    In response to the item broadcast tonight (Wednesday), 7.4.10, on Channel 10 concerning the naming of a street in Ramallah after arch-terrorist Yehiye Ayash, the Prime Minister's Office states:

    "This is an outrageous glorification of terrorism by the Palestinian Authority. Right next to a Presidential compound in Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority has named a street after a terrorist who murdered hundreds of innocent Israeli men, women and children. The world must forcefully condemn this official Palestinian incitement for terrorism and against peace."

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    PA Builds Govt Complex on Road Named for Terrorist

    Reported: 20:59 PM - Apr/07/10

    (IsraelNN.com) The PA is building its government complex on a road named after infamous terrorists Yahya Ayash, nicknamed “The Engineer".

    Ayash was active in Hamas and responsible for the murder of hundreds of Jews throughout Israel. In the nineties he joined the Izz al-Din al-Qassam military organization of the Hamas, and specialized in creating improvised explosive devices.

    His terror attacks include the suicide attack on a bus in Afula on April 6, 1994, a suicide attack on a bus in Hadera on April 13, 1994, an attack on a bus in Tel-Aviv on October 19, 1994 and the double attack at Beit Lid junction on January 22, 1995.

    Ayash was finally assassinated in Gaza via a booby-trapped mobile phone.

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    Was da die PA macht, stellt einen klaren Verstoss gegen die Roadmap-Vereinbarung dar ( Phase 1 ), die ja u.a. ein wesentlicher Baustein fuer eine kuenftige Friedensvereinbarung zwischen Israel und den Palaestinensern sein soll:

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  2. #2
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von Soshana Beitrag anzeigen
    Die Glorifizierung des Terrors durch die Palaestinenser ist nicht mehr hinnehmbar: X(
    Statement from the PMO on the naming of a Ramallah street after arch-terrorist Yehiye Ayash


    In response to the item broadcast tonight (Wednesday), 7.4.10, on Channel 10 concerning the naming of a street in Ramallah after arch-terrorist Yehiye Ayash, the Prime Minister's Office states:

    "This is an outrageous glorification of terrorism by the Palestinian Authority. Right next to a Presidential compound in Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority has named a street after a terrorist who murdered hundreds of innocent Israeli men, women and children. The world must forcefully condemn this official Palestinian incitement for terrorism and against peace."

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    PA Builds Govt Complex on Road Named for Terrorist

    Reported: 20:59 PM - Apr/07/10

    (IsraelNN.com) The PA is building its government complex on a road named after infamous terrorists Yahya Ayash, nicknamed “The Engineer".

    Ayash was active in Hamas and responsible for the murder of hundreds of Jews throughout Israel. In the nineties he joined the Izz al-Din al-Qassam military organization of the Hamas, and specialized in creating improvised explosive devices.

    His terror attacks include the suicide attack on a bus in Afula on April 6, 1994, a suicide attack on a bus in Hadera on April 13, 1994, an attack on a bus in Tel-Aviv on October 19, 1994 and the double attack at Beit Lid junction on January 22, 1995.

    Ayash was finally assassinated in Gaza via a booby-trapped mobile phone.

    [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer]

    Was da die PA macht, stellt einen klaren Verstoss gegen die Roadmap-Vereinbarung dar ( Phase 1 ), die ja u.a. ein wesentlicher Baustein fuer eine kuenftige Friedensvereinbarung zwischen Israel und den Palaestinensern sein soll:

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    Die werden immer an Punkt 1 scheitern.....

  3. #3
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Durkheim
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    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Durch Terror erreicht man immer nur das Gegenteil bzw. spielt dem Stärkeren nur in die Hände. Daher ist Terrorismus mehrfach dumm. Dümmer geht es nicht mehr.

  4. #4
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Soshana
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    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Die "moderaten" Fayyad und Abbas verehren Terroristen, die juedische Israelis ermordet haben:

    Fayyad and Abbas preach non-violence
    while repeatedly honoring terrorists

    by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

    Contrary to statements by both Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Chairman Mahmoud Abbas supporting a "non-violent resistance," their actions continue to implicitly support violence and terror. As Palestinian Media Watch has reported, the PA leaders have repeatedly honored terrorists in well-publicized acts of support in recent months.

    The PA leadership's most recent show of terror support was last week, when both Abbas and Fayyad honored one of the notorious terrorists of the first years of the Palestinian terror war (the "Intifada"). Abdallah Daud headed the Palestinian intelligence service in Bethlehem, and was actively involved in the Palestinian terror against Israeli civilians. When Israel entered Bethlehem in 2002 in an attempt to eradicate the Palestinian terror, Abdallah Daud was one of the most wanted Palestinian terrorists who stormed into the Church of the Nativity. For several weeks, Daud and his fellow terrorists continued fighting against Israel from inside the church, essentially using the monks and the religious site as their shields.

    Israel finally agreed to let the terrorists leave without trial and they were deported to foreign countries and Gaza. Daud was sent to Cyprus and later Mauritania, where he died last week of natural causes.

    Ignoring the crimes and terror that led to Daud's deportation, the PA leaders last week chose to honor the terrorist Daud by giving him an "official" funeral. The official PA daily reported on the funeral with a large picture on its front page.

    Abbas sent his personal emissary to the funeral. He spoke in Abbas's name:
    "We must maintain the way of the Shahid (Martyr) Daud, who always believed in the struggle, in love of the homeland, and in the realization of national unity." [Al-Quds, March 28, 2010]

    Palestinian PM Fayyad chose to honor the terrorist publicly and in person by paying a condolence visit to the home of his family. Fayyad "enumerated the Shahid's (Martyr's) virtues" and noted his "suffering from the injustice of his expulsion." The story of his honoring the terrorist was also reported on the front page of the official PA daily.

    Other recent examples of Fayyad honoring terrorists:

    On December 26, 2009, Fayyad paid condolence calls to the homes of each of the three terrorists who murdered Israeli Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai in a drive-by shooting.

    On February 14, 2010, Fayyad paid a condolence call to the family of a terrorist who attempted to stab an Israeli soldier.

    Other recent examples of Abbas honoring terrorists:

    On December 27, 2009, Abbas honored the three terrorists who murdered Israeli Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai in a drive-by shooting, calling them “Shahids [Martyrs] of the Palestinian revolution...”

    On December 29, 2009, Abbas honored the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi with a birthday party.

    On January 17, 2010 Abbas defended naming a square after the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi.

    On March 6, 2010 Abbas promoted imprisoned terrorist Mahmoud Damra to major-general.

    On March 9, 2010 Abbas’s representative honored the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi by calling her the "bridge over which we pass on the way to our freedom."

    The following is the report on Fayyad's condolences last week on the front page of the official PA daily:

    "Prime Minister Dr. Salam Fayyad yesterday expressed his condolences at the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, over the death of the Shahid (Martyr) Abdallah Daud. The Prime Minister enumerated the Shahid's virtues and said that his death far from the homeland and suffering from the injustice of his expulsion, bestows upon his Martyrdom a clear national and human character."
    [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 31, 2010]

    The following is the report on Abbas’s statement read by Mahmoud Al-Aloul, member of the Fatah Central Committee, at the funeral:

    "Mahmoud Al-Aloul, member of the Fatah Central Committee, delivered a speech on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas, during which he recounted the life story of the Shahid (Martyr), who sacrificed his life for his country and for his people. Al-Aloul said that we must maintain the way of the Shahid Daud, who always believed in the struggle, in love of the homeland, and in the realization of national unity."
    [Al-Quds, March 28, 2010]

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  5. #5
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Krabat
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    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von Soshana Beitrag anzeigen
    Die Glorifizierung des Terrors durch die Palaestinenser ist nicht mehr hinnehmbar: X(
    Da sollte Israel sofort zurückschießen. Am besten massiv und total.

    Ist es das was Du sagen wolltest, Miriam - Soshana?

  6. #6
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von Krabat Beitrag anzeigen
    Da sollte Israel sofort zurückschießen. Am besten massiv und total.

    Ist es das was Du sagen wolltest, Miriam?
    Das sagt ihr Stein auf dem Schreibtisch, was "Miriam" hier schreibt sind göttliche Eingebungen.

  7. #7
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Soshana
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    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von Krabat Beitrag anzeigen
    Da sollte Israel sofort zurückschießen. Am besten massiv und total.

    Ist es das was Du sagen wolltest, Miriam - Soshana?

    Selbst Obama hat diese antiisraelische Hetze der PA jetzt verurteilt:

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    Die PA verstoesst eindeutig gegen die Roadmapvereinbarung ( Phase 1 ) und darauf muss man in den naechsten Wochen und Monaten in Washington und der EU immer wieder hinweisen.

  8. #8
    Selbstdenker Benutzerbild von Widder58
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    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von Soshana Beitrag anzeigen

    Selbst Obama hat diese antiisraelische Hetze der PA jetzt verurteilt:

    [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer]

    Die PA verstoesst eindeutig gegen die Roadmapvereinbarung ( Phase 1 ) und darauf muss man in den naechsten Wochen und Monaten in Washington und der EU immer wieder hinweisen.
    Da können einem ja echt die Tränen kommen, die armen, friedliebenden Zionisten...
    Antiisraelische Hetze- wie ist sowas nur möglich bei dem musterhaften Verhalten...
    da wird es aber höchste Eisenbahn in Richtung Selbstverteidigung...
    Der Krieg wäre längst vorbei müssten die Schmarotzer an die Front

  9. #9
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Soshana
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von Widder58 Beitrag anzeigen
    Da können einem ja echt die Tränen kommen, die armen, friedliebenden Zionisten...
    Antiisraelische Hetze- wie ist sowas nur möglich bei dem musterhaften Verhalten...
    da wird es aber höchste Eisenbahn in Richtung Selbstverteidigung...
    Die USA haben die antiisraelische Hetze der PA letzte Woche ebenfalls verurteilt:

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  10. #10
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Dayan
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    Standard AW: PA glorifiziert weiter den Terror gegen Israel !

    Zitat Zitat von torun Beitrag anzeigen
    Das sagt ihr Stein auf dem Schreibtisch, was "Miriam" hier schreibt sind göttliche Eingebungen.
    Nicht göttlich aber sehr ernst zu nehmen und zu befolgen!!!!!!!!!!!

    Um aufs neue wach werden zu können, musst Du ohne Frage vorher einmal eingeschlafen sein, und analog dazu, um geboren werden zu können, musst Du vorher schon einmal gestorben sein (Kabalah)

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