Vollständige Version anzeigen : Kaffeebrauner Übermensch

19.07.2007, 21:19
19-Month Michigan Boy's Condition Gives Him Super-Human Strength

Because his muscles are constantly growing, he needs to eat just about every hour yet never gains any fat from his pig-out sessions. Liam has 40% more muscle mass than the normal amount.

These feats are possible because Liam has a rare condition called myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy, which promotes fast muscle growth of the skeletal muscles. The condition has no known side effects at this time, but doctors are a bit worried that because Liam has such a low body-fat percentage, he might lack the necessary fat for his brain to grow properly and for his central nervous system to develop as well.

her mit dem gendoping! :]
ich will myostatinblocker, sofort! :))

19.07.2007, 21:21
Mach langsam Basti. Die haben Angst ums Hirn. Du wirst mir doch nicht als hirnloser Muskelprotz enden wollen?

19.07.2007, 21:24
wenn man einmal ein hirnloser muskelprotz ist, macht man sich doch eh keine gedanken mehr ums hirn ;)

hoffen wir mal, daß der junge nicht als muskelstrotzender idiot endet.

19.07.2007, 21:25

politisch Verfolgter
20.07.2007, 20:06
Juxpfusch heißt das ;-)