Warum es EU und NATO Regeln gibt, die sich real in Luft auflösen, zeigt ein guter Bericht, über den Internationalen Waffen Schmuggel.

Direkte NATO Länder, betreiben den Internationalen Waffen Schmuggler: Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Ukraine

Gesetze - UN Embargos kennen diese EU Länder nicht! Die USA brauchen vor allem die Ukraine und Albanien für Waffen Lieferungen von Chinesischen bzw. Russischen Waffen und die alten CIA Ganoven profitieren davon.

Die CIA Operation in Bengazi, scheiterte durch den Waffen Schmuggel der USA Verbündeten, weil viele Waffen bei Islamischen Terroristen landeten und am Schlußg war der CIA Operations Leiter, als US Botschafter wieder einmal getarnt tod.

Inside the Secret World of a U.S. Arms Dealer
Apr. 30, 2014 10:57am

On Sept. 11, 2011, an Armenian carrier from Albania landed in Benghazi, Libya. It was carrying 800,000 rounds of ammunition originating from Albanian surplus stocks. Three of those stocks belonged to armed forces of the United Arab Emirates, according to a 2013 United Nations investigation.

Planes from Albania, which also included weapons shipments from Ukraine, were continuing to pour into civil war-torn Libya, despite an arms embargo — and the Obama administration was well aware of what was happening, according to numerous sources who spoke to TheBlaze.
Libyan rebels man a check point position at Bab El Bahrah district in Tripoli, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011. Hundreds of Libyan rebels blasted through the green gates of Moammar Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli Tuesday after five hours of intense fighting around it. They beat and killed some of those who defended it, fired celebratory shots in the air and hauled off crates of weapons and trucks with guns mounted on the back.(AP Photo

Libyan rebels man a checkpoint at Bab El Bahrah district in Tripoli, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011. (AP)

But what is the process for shipping hundreds of millions — if not billions — of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition from one country to another? And is it possible for the nation of origin to deliver those weapons covertly, leaving a “zero footprint” in the nation where the weapons are delivered too?

American arms dealers are intimately familiar with the process. In fact, the U.S. topped the list as the largest global supplier of major weapons from 2009 to 2013, according to a report issued by the[Links nur für registrierte Nutzer], which conducts research on conflict, arms control and disarmament.

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