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Thema: US-Hauptziel seit hundert Jahren: Kein Bündnis Deutschlands mit Russland

  1. #181
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Soshana
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    Standard AW: US-Hauptziel seit hundert Jahren: Kein Bündnis Deutschlands mit Russland

    Zitat Zitat von brain freeze Beitrag anzeigen
    Will Friedman die Deutschen loswerden? Will er ihnen in den Arsch treten?

    Denn jeder, der das sieht, wird, sollte er dem schönen Schein noch immer geglaubt haben, mindestens Enttäuschung fühlen. Friedman betreibt Werbung für die Loslösung Deutschlands aus der amerikanischen Obhut.

    Was bedeutet dieser Auftritt also außer, dass er auf dem Höhepunkt eines schweren Konfliktes fast heiter jenen Recht gibt, die das Imperium, wie es sich hier selbst offen nennt, all dessen verdächtigten, was es ebenfalls freimütig und selbstverständlich bestätigt?

    Drei Vorschläge:

    a) Hybris und Größenwahn im Endstadium, der Verzicht auf die lästig gewordene Bemäntelung eines rohen Willens zur Macht mit "Freedom & Democracy", zugleich Panik und Angst vor dem eigenen Untergang

    b) Die versteckte Ankündigung eines neuen amerikanischen Isolationismus, der des Chaos müde ist, das die USA anrichteten, der also die neuen Mächte ermuntern will, sich Recht zu verschaffen, um sich möglichst kontrolliert zurückzuziehen

    c) Vorspiegeln einer offenen Entwicklung, aber alles ist längst beschlossen und unausweichlich. Es gibt keine Chance oder Wahlfreiheit für Deutsche oder Russen oder sonst wen. Das Imperium hat die völlige Kontrolle erlangt. Alles, was passiert, ist geplant und stützt seine Macht
    Er ist jedenfalls felsenfest davon ueberzeugt, dass Russland noch vor 2020 zerfallen wird. China wird ebenfalls keine Weltmacht werden...

    Der Status der USA als einzige Weltmacht bleibe auch im 21.Jahrhundert erhalten. Nur ein Buendnis zwischen Deutschland und Russland wuerde fuer die USA eine Herausforderung darstellen.

    Ich gehe deshalb davon aus, dass die Schwaechung Deutschlands und Russlands in Europa oberste Prioritaet fuer die Angelsachsen haben wird.

    Einen Krieg schliesst Friedman in Europa neben Buergerkriegen ja auch nicht mehr aus.

    Wahrscheinlich wird es so sein, dass die USA Deutschland, Polen, die Ukraine und die Baltischen Staaten in einen Weltkrieg gegen Russland ziehen werden ?

    Deshalb Variante c.)
    “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.” –Prof. Caroll Quigley, Georgetown University, Tragedy and Hope (1966)

  2. #182
    Bundeskanzler Björn Höcke Benutzerbild von Leseratte
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    Standard AW: US-Hauptziel seit hundert Jahren: Kein Bündnis Deutschlands mit Russland

    Pat Buchanan sieht Amerikas Macht im Gegensatz dazu immer mehr schwinden. Er wurde wegen seiner Ansichten von dem Fernsehsender gefeuert, auf dem er bis dahin zu sehen war.

    Die BRD muß doch nur weiter versuchen den Euro zu retten, damit schwächt sie sich doch schon genug. Putin macht Deutschland andauernd Angebote zur Zusammenarbeit. Aber das deutsche Volk wählt sich keinen Kanzler der darauf eingehen würde.

    Vielleicht helfen sie auch nach beim Zerfall Rußlands. In Tschetschenien wurde das schon zwei Mal versucht. Wie man 1200 Millionen Han-Chinesen aufspalten will sehe ich aber nicht. Tibeter und Uiguren reichen da nicht.
    Björn Höcke:

    Sie müssen sich mal Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas angucken, als ich die Nationalflagge, dieses zentrale nationale Symbol, herausgeholt habe. Es war so, als ob man Graf Dracula ein mit Knoblauchknollen geschmücktes Kreuz in die Visage gehalten hätte!

    Leseratte gehört der Rechtsfraktion an.

  3. #183
    Verschwörungstheoretiker Benutzerbild von Nicht Sicher
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    Bananen Republik Deutschland

    Standard AW: US-Hauptziel seit hundert Jahren: Kein Bündnis Deutschlands mit Russland

    "Um die gewünschte Schockwirkung zu erzielen [...] sterben qualvoll um Luft ringend zu Hause. Das Ersticken oder nicht genug Luft kriegen ist für jeden Menschen eine Urangst" - BMI
    "Der Westen ist das Imperium der Lügen" - Putin
    “Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein." - Goethe

  4. #184
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Soshana
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: US-Hauptziel seit hundert Jahren: Kein Bündnis Deutschlands mit Russland

    Kann Putin ueberleben ? Aktuelle Stratfor Analyse:

    Can Putin Survive?

    March 17, 2015

    By George Friedman

    Editor's Note: This week, we revisit a Geopolitical Weekly first published in July 2014 that explored whether Russian President Vladimir Putin could hold on to power despite his miscalculations in Ukraine, a topic that returned to prominence with his recent temporary absence from public view. While Putin has since reappeared, the issues highlighted by his disappearing act persist.

    There is a general view that Vladimir Putin governs the Russian Federation as a dictator, that he has defeated and intimidated his opponents and that he has marshaled a powerful threat to surrounding countries. This is a reasonable view, but perhaps it should be re-evaluated in the context of recent events.
    Ukraine and the Bid to Reverse Russia's Decline

    Ukraine is, of course, the place to start. The country is vital to Russia as a buffer against the West and as a route for delivering energy to Europe, which is the foundation of the Russian economy. On Jan. 1, Ukraine's president was Viktor Yanukovich, generally regarded as favorably inclined to Russia. Given the complexity of Ukrainian society and politics, it would be unreasonable to say Ukraine under him was merely a Russian puppet. But it is fair to say that under Yanukovich and his supporters, fundamental Russian interests in Ukraine were secure.

    This was extremely important to Putin. Part of the reason Putin had replaced Boris Yeltsin in 2000 was Yeltsin's performance during the Kosovo war. Russia was allied with the Serbs and had not wanted NATO to launch a war against Serbia. Russian wishes were disregarded. The Russian views simply didn't matter to the West. Still, when the air war failed to force Belgrade's capitulation, the Russians negotiated a settlement that allowed U.S. and other NATO troops to enter and administer Kosovo. As part of that settlement, Russian troops were promised a significant part in peacekeeping in Kosovo. But the Russians were never allowed to take up that role, and Yeltsin proved unable to respond to the insult.

    Putin also replaced Yeltsin because of the disastrous state of the Russian economy. Though Russia had always been poor, there was a pervasive sense that it been a force to be reckoned with in international affairs. Under Yeltsin, however, Russia had become even poorer and was now held in contempt in international affairs. Putin had to deal with both issues. He took a long time before moving to recreate Russian power, though he said early on that the fall of the Soviet Union had been the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. This did not mean he wanted to resurrect the Soviet Union in its failed form, but rather that he wanted Russian power to be taken seriously again, and he wanted to protect and enhance Russian national interests.

    The breaking point came in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution of 2004. Yanukovich was elected president that year under dubious circumstances, but demonstrators forced him to submit to a second election. He lost, and a pro-Western government took office. At that time, Putin accused the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies of having organized the demonstrations. Fairly publicly, this was the point when Putin became convinced that the West intended to destroy the Russian Federation, sending it the way of the Soviet Union. For him, Ukraine's importance to Russia was self-evident. He therefore believed that the CIA organized the demonstration to put Russia in a dangerous position, and that the only reason for this was the overarching desire to cripple or destroy Russia. Following the Kosovo affair, Putin publicly moved from suspicion to hostility to the West.

    The Russians worked from 2004 to 2010 to undo the Orange Revolution. They worked to rebuild the Russian military, focus their intelligence apparatus and use whatever economic influence they had to reshape their relationship with Ukraine. If they couldn't control Ukraine, they did not want it to be controlled by the United States and Europe. This was, of course, not their only international interest, but it was the pivotal one.

    Russia's invasion of Georgia had more to do with Ukraine than it had to do with the Caucasus. At the time, the United States was still bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. While Washington had no formal obligation to Georgia, there were close ties and implicit guarantees. The invasion of Georgia was designed to do two things. The first was to show the region that the Russian military, which had been in shambles in 2000, was able to act decisively in 2008. The second was to demonstrate to the region, and particularly to Kiev, that American guarantees, explicit or implicit, had no value. In 2010, Yanukovich was elected president of Ukraine, reversing the Orange Revolution and limiting Western influence in the country.

    Recognizing the rift that was developing with Russia and the general trend against the United States in the region, the Obama administration tried to recreate older models of relationships when Hillary Clinton presented Putin with a "reset" button in 2009. But Washington wanted to restore the relationship in place during what Putin regarded as the "bad old days." He naturally had no interest in such a reset. Instead, he saw the United States as having adopted a defensive posture, and he intended to exploit his advantage.

    One place he did so was in Europe, using EU dependence on Russian energy to grow closer to the Continent, particularly Germany. But his high point came during the Syrian affair, when the Obama administration threatened airstrikes after Damascus used chemical weapons only to back off from its threat. The Russians aggressively opposed Obama's move, proposing a process of negotiations instead. The Russians emerged from the crisis appearing decisive and capable, the United States indecisive and feckless. Russian power accordingly appeared on the rise, and in spite of a weakening economy, this boosted Putin's standing.
    The Tide Turns Against Putin

    Events in Ukraine this year, by contrast, have proved devastating to Putin. In January, Russia dominated Ukraine. By February, Yanukovich had fled the country and a pro-Western government had taken power. The general uprising against Kiev that Putin had been expecting in eastern Ukraine after Yanukovich's ouster never happened. Meanwhile, the Kiev government, with Western advisers, implanted itself more firmly. By July, the Russians controlled only small parts of Ukraine. These included Crimea, where the Russians had always held overwhelming military force by virtue of treaty, and a triangle of territory from Donetsk to Luhansk to Severodonetsk, where a small number of insurgents apparently supported by Russian special operations forces controlled a dozen or so towns.

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    “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.” –Prof. Caroll Quigley, Georgetown University, Tragedy and Hope (1966)

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