Kurios: offenbar tauchen weltweit Pakete mit ungekennzeichneten Pflanzensamen auf. In den USA, UK, Australien, mit verschiedenen Herkunftsländern wie UAE, China, Kazakhstan usw.

Das FBI, Homeland Security und Grenzpolizei ermitteln in Richtung scam oder ob von den Samen eine weitere Gefahr ausgeht.

The case of the mystery seeds showing up in U.S. mailboxes from shippers in China and other countries has gone global.The U.S. Department of Agriculture said consumers in at least 22 U.S. states and several other countries had received unsolicited packages of seeds. [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer] the matter.
The USDA, in a recorded radio broadcast released Wednesday night, revealed the world-wide scope of the seed shipments after thousands of people across the U.S. reported receiving seeds in the mail they didn’t order. [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer] have warned residents about the unsolicited packages, and the USDA said earlier this week that it was collecting the packages to test the seeds for anything of concern.
bezahlschranke: [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer]